... is transferred to the uterus. The treatment takes an estimated 1 month, but sometimes the stages are divided into different parts and the process may take longer. Depending on the performance of the ...
... ins. On the day the eggs are taken from the donor, the sperm of the father-to-be are collected and subjected to microinjection. Afterwards, similar to IVF treatment, the embryos are transferred to the u ...
... are retrieved and fertilized with ICSI. The PGD process is done on days 3 and 5 of the progression of embryos. On the 5th or 6th day, healthy embryos are transferred to the treatments of female patients. ...
... The day after sperm is injected into each egg, embryologists will look for signs of fertilization. The next day they check that the embryo has broken down. Embryos can be transferred at any stage fro ...
... d from the male patient and used to create ICSI with the oocytes donor. After the embryos reach a certain stage, they are transferred to the uterus of the femal patient. ...
... by our embryologist in a modern lab environment. With the help of micro-injection, the embryos are then transferred to the uterus, with the aim to give the opportunity to the new patients to achieve ...
... decided by the couples undergoing IVF treatment where the excess embryos that is not being transferred to the uterus and is being used for a future transfer when couples are ready. The advantage of using ...
... to create several embryos. After between two and five days in an incubator, these embryos are transferred through the vagina to the uterus, where implantation occurs and pregnancy begins. However ...
... Transfer The embryos are transferred on either day three or day five of their development. Our compassionate embryologist is highly skilled in identifying healthy embryos and in some cases will recommend ...
... eggs, which are then fertilized in a test-tube ('in vitro') to create several embryos. After between two and five days in an incubator, one or two of these embryos are transferred through the vagina ...
In order to have an idea about Cyprus IVF method first of all, infertility You can get the necessary information about the treatment in our hospital. Medicines, needles, etc. you will use. You will be informed about the whole issue.
Our Cyprus IVF Center Hospital (Girne IVF ~ IVF) with its international academic experience in the fields of in vitro fertilization, fertility, gynecology and especially obstetrics continues to serve.
Why are we the best IVF center in Cyprus? Why do Cyprus IVF center patients choose us for treatment? You can find all the answers to these questions in the related articles on our website.
Why Our IVF Center? And why are there such reasonable price procedures from other hospitals?
Important information about unexplained infertility
Semen problems, little or no semen (OAT and Azoospermia)
Low ovarian capacity, low ovarian reserve
No Ovulation Anovulation
Polycystic ovary disease PCOS
Myoma polyp adhesion affecting the inner lining of the uterus